Thursday, September 18, 2008


My favorite quote from Animal Dreams so far is "Near the end of the dance, one small eagle arched his wings and ran all the way to the southern end of the plaza. The wind lifted his feathers as he paused on the edge of the precipice and for just a second I was sure he would have to fall, or fly," (p.243). I like this quote because it really made me think about the last line where she was thinking "and for just a second I was sure he would have to fall, or fly," because it seemed to me like it was a symbol and like foreshadowing what was going to happen to Hallie. Like she was either going to fail or succeed.

My favorite character in the book is Codi Noline. I like her because she seems like a good kid. She also seems to me that she under estimates herself more than she should. She thinks she's worthless and no good when actually she makes a huge difference. She's lost and confused and doesn't know who she is yet or who she wants to become. In some ways i see myself as her because she seems like she's looking for something she never will find and she's too much in the future to realize she lives in the present.

My favorite scene/moment in the book so far is when Doc Homer watches Codi burry the baby into the woods. This scene stood out the most to me because it was like i could see how far away his relationship to Codi was. It made me sad for both of them to see them like this because they're family and they should be able to talk about things together and share they're secrets but it just seems like neither one of them is trying hard enough or even if they are it's like one of them is moving farther away.


I read this book called Sweethearts by Sara Zarr this summer. I read it because i went to this authors blog named Ally Carter and she recommended this book to teens. I've read Ally Carter's books before and so i thought that if she liked it then i would too so that's why i decided to read it. I really like this book because it didn't end like all the other books i have read. It was kind of a dissapointment too because it ended kind of sadly. I usually like books that make me feel good at the end but this one left me kind of empty. But it was still good. I liked it because it really made you think of what the character was really feeling. I could also feel like i was the character and it made the book even better. I would also recommend this book to everyone!!

favorite book!!

Private by kate Brian is a series that is about a girl named Reed Brennan that moved to a private boarding school called Easton Academy. She sees these girls that are called "the Billings girls" because they live in Billings (a special dorm) and they are the prettiest and smartest grils on campus. She tries to get in with them but it seems harder than she thinks it is. She has to do a lot of things for them and she has to choose weather or not its worth it...theres a lot that goes on in this book. It has a great plot and twist to it that you would never imagine. I enjoyed it because it really keeps my interest and its not boring at all. I can read these books in like two days over and over and it's still as good as the first time i read it. I also like how it's not like all the other teen books that i have read where it seems like it could never happen to someone but this book seems so real to me. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008