Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Moroccan Wedding Traditions

I read an article at
and i thought it was very interesting because the tradition in a moroccan wedding would be that it lasted for about four to seven days. It says, "On her wedding day, it is a Moroccan wedding custom for the bride to have a ceremonial purification milk bath before a ritual henna painting (Beberiska) of her hands and feet" and I thought that was very different compared to other cultures. I also thought it was interesting when the article said, "Once the couples wedding vows have been exchanged, and before the newlywed Moroccan bride becomes the mistress of her new home, she walks around the outside of her house three times" I thought this was cool because its different and it's cool to see what other cultures do for their wedding day. And I liked how their traditions are still going around now.

"World Wedding" Traditions in Morocco. 2002-2004. 25 Feb 2009 .

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys

I read this book called Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys by Kate Brian. This book shows change in the main character's (Megan) life because she chose to live with her parents old friends than move to Korea with her parents. But the big change is that her parents friends have 7 boys!! She writes to her friend Tracy back home, "Observation #7: They have no sense of personal space. I need a lock on my door. STAT." (pg.28). This was the scene when the younger boys were going through her stuff, drawing on her clothes, and hiding in her closet. She had no siblings before and now she has to adjust with 7 boys thats younger and her age too. Another change in her life was her soccer status. Megan says, "Almost everyone looked at Hailey. Clearly the girl had a lock on the captainship. Megan thought of her team back in Texas-the team she was supposed to captain this year," (pg.88). This shows that she had to leave that behind at her old school and now face that Hailey has the upperhand in being captain.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

The book that I read is called I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter. This book talks about hope from when Cammie Morgan told Josh Abrams (the boy she's been dating) that she lied to him about her life and the school that she goes to because she's not allowed to tell. It says on page 282, "Then, I realized where we were-what he was looking at. JOSH KNOWS! I mentally screamed. There doesn't have to be any more lying. He's inside. He's one of us (kind of). He's..." This quote shows she has hope for her and Josh. She realized that now that Josh knows the secret about her and who she really is that now they can move past it. She hopes that Josh will forgive her and they can still go out. It also shows hope by when things don't end up how she wanted it to, "I don't know if Josh will ever talk to me again. I don't know what he'll remember, or what we'll face in CoveOps,...But I know who will be beside me, and as every good spy knows- sometimes that's enough" (p. 284). This shows she has hope for her future and even though she doens't know if things in her life will go as planned, she knows that she has her friends and hope for the best!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chinese Religion

I read an article on chinese religion at this website, and it said how many chinese people are Daoists. The text also said, "One is the Imperial Cult, in which the Emperor, who was called the Son of Heaven, not in a biological sense but in the sense of being chosen by Heaven to rule China, worshipped Heaven and various gods on behalf of the entire country," and I thought this was interesting because I wondered how they chose these certain people to represent their country. I thought this article was interesting because the chinese seem to be living simple lives and they seem like they think healthy and they think more of the good of the people. I also can relate this to myself too because on my dad's side of the family, it's customary to take care of your parents when the kids get older. Like right now my grandpa and grandma are still living with my uncle and aunt and before that, their parents probably lived with them too. They are very big on respecting the elders especially your parents.

"Chinese Religion." Windows on Asia. 15 Feb 2009 .

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

gender roles in the early times

I read an article about the difference in women roles in the past compared to todays. This article said what women mostly did in the 1900s was cook, clean, take care of the many children and you couldn't vote. They had no say in any politics, debate, discussions, or readings. And before then women belonged to their father and then they became property of their husband. It's funny reading an article like this because I never realized how different the lives have changed. Like now you could divorce your parents and you can vote and you don't have to stay at home, you can actually have a job. You can go to school, be anything you want to be, and actually be involved with decisions. In some ways I think that the present is better but I do think that the earlier times had more respect and responsibility than today.

"Gender Roles and Feminism." Gather. February 03, 2006. 10 Feb 2009 .

Sunday, February 8, 2009

African Culture

I read an article online at this website and it described the arts and crafts of the culture in Africa. This article was interesting to me because it said that the arts and crafts usually show a couple, a woman and a child, a male with an animal or weapon, or an outsider. I also read the significance of women and men. It reads, "As women achieve significance through their children, men will often be honored in warfare. The one who goes into battle must have physical, emotional and spiritual energy to survive and to conquer. Thus the emphasis on weapons and the spoils of war in many African works" I thought this was interesting and now when I see African work I can relate better to it. I was also confused when this article said that some of the art were drawings of outsiders or "strangers". I read more about it and they said that they would draw people from different tribes and they would usually not be welcomed. In this article it says, "In Africa, a stranger is someone from a different country or tribe. They would usually not be welcomed; and the more distorted the portrayal of the stranger, the greater the gap that is normally symbolized. Sometimes strangers; especially white foreigners; are given a form of respect based on their relatively great weaponry and other powers". This quote reminded me of the book we are reading in class "Nectar in a Sieve" because in the book it shows when the tannery people come, Rukmani could tell they were more superior than the rest of them. This article is really interesting and I like how I can relate it to the book we are reading in class too.

"African People & Culture." Africa Guide. 8 Feb 2009 .

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


In the book Envy by Anna Godbersen, the character Henry Schoonmaker is facing a difficult problem because he was forced to marry Penelope by blackmail and he loves another girl named Diana. He says to Penelope, "And then, when we get back to New York, I am going to find a way to leave you. I'm not sure how yet, but I can't stay in this absurd joke of a marriage any longer" Henry is facing a difficult decission but he overcomes this by getting dirt on Penelope so then she can't blackmail him anymore. Another character that is facing a difficult problem in the book is Elizabeth (Diana's older sister), she realized that she is pregnant with her dead husbands baby and she can't tell the society about it because then her and her families life is over. She was grown up in a very high class family and so now she has to make the decision of getting an abortion or marry another man. In this book, there are many twists and problems that each character faces and it's fun to read to see what happens next!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I recently read online on,2933,303799,00.html that there were many wild fires in Malibu, C.A. making thousands of people evacuate their homes and one person was killed. It also said these fires burned more than 40,000 acres of land and churches, homes, and a castle was burned down. This article surprised me when it said, "Though firefighters had been on high alert because forecasters predicted the winds, they admitted Sunday night that they were overwhelmed" This really shocked me because once I read that it proved to me that there were so many fires that even the firefighters couldn't handle all of them.

"Deadly Firesstorm Ravages Southern California, Forcing Thousands to Flee." Monday, October 22, 2007. 1 Feb 2009 .