Sunday, February 22, 2009

Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys

I read this book called Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys by Kate Brian. This book shows change in the main character's (Megan) life because she chose to live with her parents old friends than move to Korea with her parents. But the big change is that her parents friends have 7 boys!! She writes to her friend Tracy back home, "Observation #7: They have no sense of personal space. I need a lock on my door. STAT." (pg.28). This was the scene when the younger boys were going through her stuff, drawing on her clothes, and hiding in her closet. She had no siblings before and now she has to adjust with 7 boys thats younger and her age too. Another change in her life was her soccer status. Megan says, "Almost everyone looked at Hailey. Clearly the girl had a lock on the captainship. Megan thought of her team back in Texas-the team she was supposed to captain this year," (pg.88). This shows that she had to leave that behind at her old school and now face that Hailey has the upperhand in being captain.

1 comment:

Tay S said...

Jess!!!!!! WE DO NEED TO HANG OUT!!! I LOVE U TOO!!!! and i love this book too!!! i think ur blog is soooo cute! leave me another message soon!