Wednesday, May 20, 2009

BLOG #5: Lock and Key

I read the book Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. I really liked this book because how it was written. She wrote it in the present and the past so you never knew more about her past unless you kept reading. Usually in the books I read, the author has the first chapter explain what happened already but with Lock and Key, she just put in little flashbacks here and there. Another thing I really liked about this book is the main character Ruby. She seems like she has a different personality then any other person I know. She stands out in that way that Nate likes and I think that's really cool. She's really laid back and deep and thoughtful. Although she's struggling with herself also, she reaches out to help Nate because she knows what it's like and she can help him. Nate and Ruby are so similar because it's hard for them to accept help from others. They both rather be by independent and not owe anyone anything. But through the events of Ruby's life, she accepts that she doens't have to be like. She understands that she can ask for help and not feel embarassed and she teaches that to Nate too when he has the same problem and turns away from everyone when they try to help him about his Dad and his "problem".

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