Tuesday, May 26, 2009

BLOG #6: North of Beautiful

I just finished a book called North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley. I thought the most interesting part of the book is that they relate the story with a map. The author says, "My personal map was layered with experience-my trip to China with Mom, my cheating on Erik, the phone call I recieved from Merc the other night apologizing for how he acted in China..." (p 363). I thought this was an interesting line in the book because not only does it mention what has happened in her life, it also told further on that sometimes you don't need a map and just let things go for once. A passage in the book that also shows this was when the author wrote, "At the crossroads, my usual route lay to the left. Since junior high, I never strayed from the path that took me to school five days a week: left onto Main Street, right onto Grover Street. Today, I hit the gas pedal and plowed out of the Valley. Independence, straight ahead" (p 364). I thought this passage described the whole book because her whole life, she was on the safe road, always doing what was told and planning everything out to the littliest detail and for once she went off the path. She knew it was scary but that was the risk she was going to take.

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