Monday, March 23, 2009


I read a book called Confessions by kate brian and it is the 4th book of the Private series. This book shows the character overcoming odds when the main character Reed Brennan almosts dies from getting pushed off a dorms roof. The book says, "'I should have just killed you in the first place,' Ariana said through her teeth...Ariana backed me up, holding the knife point to my chin. The ground loomed beneath me..." (203). This just shows that her friend (well she thought she was) was going to kill her. Ariana even told Reed that she wrote a suicide note saying she jumped off the building roof but Ariana was going to push her. Reed was so close to dying that night and she was really scared but when she saw that her other friend Noelle sneaking up behind Ariana with a lacrosse stick she knew she might have a chance and she did. She survived and she feels really lucky when it was over because she was thinking to herself that like 5 mins. ago she could have been pushed off the roof and dead.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Inner Circle

I read this book called Inner Circle by Kate Brian. This book shows text about love when Reed Brennan (the main character) tells her boyfriend "I love you" for the first time. The author writes, "I could do this. I could. Because I meant it. And because I trusted him. And it didn't matter what happened next. I just wanted him to know. My fists uncurled. I breathed in. And when I let the air out again, I said it. 'Josh, I love you'". This scene shows how scared she was to tell him and she was really nervous but she didn't care what happened next, all that matter was him knowing how she felt. Another part in the book, it talks about love as something else though. It says, "'Reed, please don't do this. It wasn't me. I didn't know what I was doing,' he pleaded. 'I love you! Reed! You know that I love you!' My heart tore down the middle. Today his words felt like a cruel joke. Like torture. He kept calling to me, but I didn't look back. I would never look back". This was when they got in a fight and she didn't believe what he was saying. Instead of felling light and happy when he said "I love you" she felt pain. This just shows that love comes along with different feelings.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

economic war

I recently read this article at
and it talked about how we were in an "economic war" and it says, "In Romer's words, 'We haven't won yet. We have staged a wonderful battle'. I thought this was interesting because as everyone knows, the economy is not doing well and the president is trying to get us out of this recession. I think this is kinda depressing to hear about too because we've been trying to get out of this debt and it seems that the economy is doing very bad and a lot of people are loosing their jobs. I just really hope we can fix this problem fast!

"Obama adviser says US is in 'economic war'." google. 14 March 2009. 15 Mar 2009 .

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


In my world history class we just finished our chapter on the Europeans. It was very interesting because we learned many different people and what they did. Most of them were people that discovered new lands. A person that we took notes on was Vasco de Gama and he was a portugues explorer that traveled to east Africa. He found spices, gold ivory, and other trading goods. Not only that but he gave Portugal a direct sea route to India. Another explorer we learned about was Christopher Columbus. He sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean. On his first voyage, he landed on a Carribean Island which he thought was the East Indies and even though these people that we learned about weren't the ones to colonize the different countries, this was how it started. There were a lot more that we learned about and I think this was interesting because for some of the explorers we saw the route that they traveled and it was very cool!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

too much pollution?

I read an article online at and it talks about how the earth is becoming too populated and that is the reason of environmental ills. It says, "The basic logic is simple and apparently convincing: more people consume more of every kind of resource, from energy to land to minerals, and produce more waste" so this is basically saying that the more people the earth has, the more pollution then. I think this is very true but how are we going to fix it? Like we can't build the earth to be bigger and the population just keeps on growing. On the other hand, another company has a different approach to this pollution problem, they say, "They blame, variously, inappropriate technologies; overconsumption by the affluent; inequality and exploitation, which squeeze poor farmers onto 'marginal' land and 'force' ..." and that could be true too because if we didn't have as much technology like cars then maybe the world wouldn't be so contaminated. Personally, I think that they are both right because it depends on the contamination, some is due to technology and some just from people.

Harrison, Paul. "Too much life on Earth?: Is the population explosionresponsible for today's environmental ills? Some say yes. Others are justassure that the blame lies elsewhere ." NewScientist. 19 May 1990. 8 Mar 2009 .

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Holidays in Portugal

I read an aritcle about portuguese holidays at this website and it was about what happens on christmas day! This article said that on Christmas Eve Portuguese families gather around the christmas tree and the Creche to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It also says, "Most children write letters to Infant Jesus asking for presents rather than to Santa Claus" and this was interesting because it's very different from the way we do it. Later during the day, most families attend the Midnight Mass called "Missa do Galo" and after they would have supper together. I thought this was very cute because I thought it really seemed like they all were very close to eachother and their families and that church is a big priority to them too. At the end of the article, it said, "During the holiday season towns are decorated with lights. The festivities end on January 6, 'Dia de Reis'" and I thought this also was cool because it seems that portuguese christmas' are very important to them and they celebrate it for a long time and it just seems very fun and alive at that time of the year!!

Holiday Traditions in Portugal "Feliz Natal"." Holiday Traditions in Portual "Feliz Natal". 2008. 4 Mar 2009 .

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I read an article on at and it was about Bollywood. This article was very interesting to me because it described the dancing in the Bollywood films. It says, " It's fun and very expressive and there's a lot of deep meaning behind music in the films. You can actually express what the music means, through the graceful movements of the body" I thought this was interesting because when we watched Bride and Prejudice in class, I didn't think the dances had any meaning at all and that it was just for fun, but now if I watched it again, I would have payed more attention to the movements. I also read a section where it described why dancing in Bollywood films is importants. It says, " Choreographers are now starting to take the industry by storm because Farah Khan – a famous choreographer recently directed her first movie called Main Hoon Na. This goes to show that people want to see elaborate and funky dance sequences, they don't want pure acting, hence dancing is a crucial" and it shows that Bollywood films are differnent from american movies because are movies don't always have dancing unless you watch musicals but in Bollywood films you'll find it a lot. This article was fun to read because not only do you get a new visual on other countries film making, but it has meaning and depth to it too.

"BollywoodWorld." BollywoodWorld. 2007. 1 Mar 2009 .