Wednesday, March 11, 2009


In my world history class we just finished our chapter on the Europeans. It was very interesting because we learned many different people and what they did. Most of them were people that discovered new lands. A person that we took notes on was Vasco de Gama and he was a portugues explorer that traveled to east Africa. He found spices, gold ivory, and other trading goods. Not only that but he gave Portugal a direct sea route to India. Another explorer we learned about was Christopher Columbus. He sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean. On his first voyage, he landed on a Carribean Island which he thought was the East Indies and even though these people that we learned about weren't the ones to colonize the different countries, this was how it started. There were a lot more that we learned about and I think this was interesting because for some of the explorers we saw the route that they traveled and it was very cool!

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