Sunday, March 8, 2009

too much pollution?

I read an article online at and it talks about how the earth is becoming too populated and that is the reason of environmental ills. It says, "The basic logic is simple and apparently convincing: more people consume more of every kind of resource, from energy to land to minerals, and produce more waste" so this is basically saying that the more people the earth has, the more pollution then. I think this is very true but how are we going to fix it? Like we can't build the earth to be bigger and the population just keeps on growing. On the other hand, another company has a different approach to this pollution problem, they say, "They blame, variously, inappropriate technologies; overconsumption by the affluent; inequality and exploitation, which squeeze poor farmers onto 'marginal' land and 'force' ..." and that could be true too because if we didn't have as much technology like cars then maybe the world wouldn't be so contaminated. Personally, I think that they are both right because it depends on the contamination, some is due to technology and some just from people.

Harrison, Paul. "Too much life on Earth?: Is the population explosionresponsible for today's environmental ills? Some say yes. Others are justassure that the blame lies elsewhere ." NewScientist. 19 May 1990. 8 Mar 2009 .

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