Thursday, October 30, 2008

plan b...part 3

To continue off my other blog of plan b part 2, I left where Reed just arrived and he's acting like he owns the place, and Vanessa is still not happy about his arival even after a couple of days later. While I was reading, the events that happened was so far all about how Reed thinks he's better than everyone else. He wants to ride a taxi to school, and he even orders take out for lunch!! Vanessa finds herself really hating Reed and Reed finds himself really hating Vanessa but they try not to show it. The worst part for Vanessa is finding out that her parents are making Reed go with her along on her Yale visit to her boyfriend! She's very iritated that Reed has to go and she first doesn't realize why but then when she was talking to Reed about it, he said there parents asked him too. Now she realizes that she underestimated her parents. She thinks they don't trust her so that's why they sent him with. As the date comes closer she actually finds herself bonding with Reed more, they talk about college and even though they don't have the same opinion it was still nice to feel like they can talk. Another big event that's going one in the Vaughn household is that Vanessa's dad is putting on a play and asked Reed to be in it. Reed accepts and Vanessa finds herself left all alone since all her family members are participating in it but her. This book is really good and I love how it really shows Vanessa's and Reed's relationship throughout the book. You can really tell how it's starting to get better, but my prediction is that something along the trip will end badly and they'll start right back at the beginning.

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