Thursday, October 23, 2008

two way street...part 4

Iv'e now finished the book and it's been great! I left off where they both know they still love eachother but they try to hide it but not very well. So from then, I've read that courtney gets a phone call from her best friend (the one that's dating B.J.) that he told her that there is no internet girl. Courtney thought about it, and she didn't tell Jordan she knew but she felt really hurt because she thought he made that up because he didn't really love her. Jordan, on the other hand doesn't know she knows until later when B.J. calls him and says what he did and Jordan is confused. He's wondering why she hasn't talked to him and if she was mad. At the end, Jordan relizes that he loves Courtney still a lot and now that there's nothing to lose he wants to go tell Courtney about her dad but before he could, Courtney's dad calls Courtney to tell her himself. There, Courtney is very mad and confused. She runs away from Jordan and it becomes this huge big fight again. I don't want to ruin the end of it but it's really good and I recomend this book to everybody cause I love how the author writes it.

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