Monday, October 20, 2008


There are many ways that a child can be a hero. Weather it's from recovering from an illness to picking up trash around your community, anyone can be a hero. When someone says hero we usually think about an adult, but why doesn't someone think about children? I think a lot of adults underestimate children, and i'll admit to, that my first thought of a hero is definitely not a child. Also I think that when someone talks about a hero, I think the first conclusion people come to is people that save others. I've always thought that too but i've now relized that a hero doesn't have to be someone that saves peoples' lives but being brave and having to overcome their fears.


The significance of this ariticle is that a hero doesn't have to be extreme. Being a hero is described here as someone that can go around the neighborhood and collect cans and bottles to recycle. I chose this because it shows that young children could be heros too, there is no age limit.

Inspiration from Children:

This article is about a mother who got the inspiration for images from her 10 year old daughter. She loved to read and one day they decided to paint her as the character of her favorite book. I like this because sometimes I think that adults think that children are young and naive and they don't think much about how much we really can do. But this shows that this child inspired and developed the idea of paintings with her mom.

Cancer Survivor:

This article is about a girl named Tori Degen and she fought agaisnt cancer and once it was over, she started volunteering at Make a Wish Foundation and is sharing her story with others. I chose this article because I liked that just because she survived she didn't just go into her life like nothing happened, she helped other cancer patients that was once just like her. I'm glad that she didn't just think of herself and didn't give up on the other children either.

Anne Frank:

I love these quotes especially the first one. The significance is that just because she knew that things were hard, she didn't give up, she just let everything fall into place. I think this is a great description of a hero because she went through a lot and stayed strong. Even though she said there was nothing she could do, she was brave and I think that is one of the most important characteristics in a hero.

Bethany Hamilton:

This is an amazing story of a girl named Bethany Hamilton that when she was just 14 she lost her arm by a shark while surfing by a shark!! She's a hero in many ways. First she survived the shark attack and swam safely back to shore, second, even after she got bitten, she still got back on the surfboard within that month! I think this takes great courage to go back out there when that sport was the one that harmed her life to begin with. I chose this because she's a great role model to children to never give up and even though this was a terrible thing that happened, she turned it around to make it a great thing!


These articles above really showed me that my definition of a hero isn't always about rescuing people from danger but the characteristics that make up a hero. Like bravery,courage, or overcoming your fears. Above, it taught me that there are two kind of children heroes. Ones that fight back and ones that give back. Like cancer patients, for example, fight back cancer and they become heroes by surviving. Children that give back, like picking up cans and recyclables around the neighborhood are heroes because they don't ask for anything in return, they do it because they want to. I've learned that a Hero doesn't have to be extreme it can be something like over coming your fears and being brave. Also I've realized that children can make just as big of an impact as adults and more than that, I've found out that there are a million children heroes out there today.


Abigail said...

This is really interesting. I agree that children heroes are often overlooked. I think this is because being a hero requires some level of maturity. This being because to be a hero you have to recognize that something is wrong, off, or missing. Children, often thought to be naive, may not be seen as able to notice that something needs to change. Being able to notice the wrong means a child matured passed an ignorant state.

Tay S said...

hey jess this is really good!